Clinical classification systems and long-term outcome in mid- and late-stage Parkinson’s disease

We used two separate classification systems, motor-phenotype and simplified motor-nonmotor subtypes, to compare risks for major disease milestones in PD. At a mean of 7.9 years of disease duration, we found that the motor-nonmotor system was able to estimate relative risks for using walker, developing dementia, death, nursing home living, and reaching HY5, during the subsequent mean 8.1 years. Motor-phenotypes were unable to successfully stratify risks for reaching the disease milestones during this time, but PIGD score was associated with HY5 development, nursing home living, and death. Furthermore, our simplified motor-nonmotor classification showed high clinical feasibility. Prognostic classification is of importance to enable lifestyle counseling and individualize medical treatment and paramedical care for PD patients and their families.

In the motor-nonmotor system, the…

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