How to talk and communicate effectively with dementia patients

One of the biggest mistakes we make as dementia caregivers is to use too many words.
In other words, we try and explain to persons living with dementia why what they are saying or doing is wrong.

One of the biggest mistakes we make as dementia caregivers is to use too many words.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer’s Reading Room

Or, we try to explain to them why it is important to take a shower or take their medication. When they say No, we try to explain to them why they should say, Yes.

This doesn’t work.

Learn More – How to Listen to an Alzheimer’s Patient

When Alzheimer’s patients are given the Mini-Cog test to diagnose dementia they are asked to remember 3 words. If they have dementia they won’t be able to remember those words a couple of minutes later.

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If they can’t remember 3 words what would lead you to the conclusion that they can understand and remember your long winded explanations? They can’t and they won’t.


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